
Our core philosophy revolves around the art of repurposing and upcycling pre-owned fabrics and materials into exquisite, one-of-a-kind treasures. We meticulously curate our materials by hand, exclusively from local second-hand markets in Kenya.


Our selection process is underpinned by uncompromising standards of excellence. We prioritize materials with outstanding durability, ensuring that our creations stand the test of time. Furthermore, we are dedicated to maintaining a high degree of cotton content in our fabrics, with the ultimate goal of achieving 100% cotton in every piece. The main materials we repurpose are, bed sheets, comforters, duvets and curtains.

 Before these carefully chosen materials are transformed, they undergo a thorough and meticulous cleaning process. This rigorous cleaning procedure guarantees that the fabrics you wear not only look and feel incredible but also meet the highest standards of hygiene and quality.

At Off Cut Kenya, we transform recycled materials into fashion that embodies our commitment to sustainability, quality, and lasting beauty. Explore our collections and experience the art of conscious fashion.